Training on seed legislation in Kyrgyzstan (Feb. 2020)

Training on the political aspects of the seed legislation and the for useful global tools that can be used for advocacy at national level. See our section “Biodiversity & Seeds” in TOPICS.

Training on Agroecology in Kyrgyzstan and Poland (Oct.-Nov. 2019)

Training on the political aspect of Agroecology (Nyeleni Declaration) with our partner in Kyrgyzstan A.D.I. and Nyeleni Polska.

Agroecology and Global Governance Youth Training (July 2019)

Schola Campesina with the financial support of FAO, is organizing a capacity-development training for 10 young members from small-scale food producers partner organizations on global governance mechanisms of food and agriculture in the frame of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028).

The training is being held in a partner farm, in the Lazio Region, Italy from 28th of June until 5th of July 2019. The participants, coming from all over the world and from a variety of constituencies, are sharing experiences and discuss issues related to global food and agriculture governance mechanisms, family farming knowledge and autonomy, agroecological practices and resilience, sustainable food policies, women empowerment, etc.

The participants are taking part to the launch of the HLPE (High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition) report on Agroecological approaches and other innovations for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition. They are meeting with Meeting with FAO on the United Nations Decade on Family Farming and the FAO Agroecology Unit.

See the AGENDA here.

All videos are available here.

Schola Campesina hosted an advocacy training for CSA’s groups (Urgenci) (Oct. 2018)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Schola Campesina is facilitating a European workshop on global governance mechanisms of food and agriculture directed to Community Supported Agriculture groups in the frame of an Erasmus+ project on advocacy capacities coordinated by Urgenci (10-14 Oct., Italy).

Cities around the world are starting to pay attention on food issues from different entry point: obesity issues, contaminations, food insecurity, water scarcity, poverty, etc. The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (2015) provides a network to encourage the dissemination of best practices amongst the cities local governments.

What is missing here?

A part from interesting initiative in Latin America, the challenges faced by rural food producers -particularly the lack of markets- are not often considered as a priority for the cities local governments.

This is why -in this context of increasing visibility of food issues in urban agendas- CSA’s groups are crucial, not only in their actions of providing fair markets; but also in advocating for farmers-orientated policies.

The 2 video below are about successful policy processes showing the results of a coordinated advocacy work.

The first video (Javier Sanchez – La Via Campesina) is on the process leading to the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas – UNDROP (2018) The doc is also available in Spanish French Italian (translated in Italian by Schola Campesina)

The second video (Ibrahima Coulibali – CNOP-Mali) is on process of claiming recognition and legitimacy of designing the food and agriculture national policy in Mali.

International training on Agroecology and Global governance of food and agriculture (Oct. 2017)

Funded by FAO.

25 sept.– 7 oct. 2017, Rome and Lazio Region

The training brought together members of peasant’s organization worldwide to share experiences and discuss issues related to the global governance of food and agriculture peasant’s knowledge, peasant’s autonomy, agroecological practices, peasant’s global struggles, food policies, women empowerment etc.

The two weeks training took place in Rome, where all the food and agriculture related UN bodies are based, allowing the participants to benefit from peasant and activist knowledge from all around the world; and in partner farms -member of Schola Campesina- in the countryside near Orte.

The training program was directed to 16 international participants’ mostly small-scale food producers from the Global South. Gender balance and geographical diversity amongst the participants has to be achieved.


The training is based on La Via Campesina’s ‘Agroecology schools experiences regarding the content as well as the pedagogical principles.

The project can be considered as an international meeting of peasant’s organizations members to promote and share peasant’s knowledge. Therefore the participants are expected to share knowledge and experiences in a peer-to-peer perspective as well as to learn from others participants and invited speakers. The invited speakers are expected to learn from the participants and inversely in a horizontal dialogue or “Diálogo de Saberes”.

Detailed programme & Biblio of Reference docs


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