21-23 Oct. 2020 – CSO Consultation X FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC)

The FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC) is to be held on November 2-4. Prior to the ERC, Nyéléni Europe and Central Asia Food Sovereignty Network (Nyéléni ECA) is organizing a consultation for civil society organizations, to be held virtually on October 21-23. All CSO is welcome to participate ! (Contact: info@nyeleni-eca.net)

The ERC is gathering every 2 years and is the place where the priorities for Europe and Central Asia region are decided. It is crucial for Food sovereignty movement that CSO’s get well prepared, with a common and strategic agenda reflecting the priorities of all constituencies.

Five delegates from civil society are allowed to participate on the same level as governments and an opening statement from civil society is fully integrated into the proceedings of the conference.

All Food sovereignty allies are welcome to participate !

YOUTH are dramatically missing in this curcial process !

Don’t hesitate to contact: info@nyeleni-eca.net for any kind of info.



The ad-hoc Steering Committee of the CSOs is pleased to invite you to the preparation workshops to the CSO Consultation prior to the FAO 32nd Regional Conference for Europe and Central Asia (ERC)

The workshops are developed in order to increase the voices from CSOs in our diverse Region. The issues which will be discussed at the workshops are going to be the main agenda items at the CSO Consultation on 21, 22 and 23 October. As virtual spaces create a big limitation for the participants to express themselves in a limited time frame, Steering Committee of the Consultation wanted to give more opportunity for the CSOs to speak and share their organisations’ point of views and also experiences on the agenda points.

REGISTER to the virtual sessions as observers: info@nyeleni-eca.net


  • On the 5th October, the first workshop focussed on :
  1. Sustainable Food Systems and Healthy Diets – Speakers: Isa Alvarez  and Ramona Duminicioiu
  2. UN Food Systems Summit (UN FSS)  – Paula Gioia and Judith Hitchman
  • The second workshop will take place TOMORROW on the 8th October from 11:00 to 13:00 CET (Central European time).

The workshop will have two topics:

1. Solutions for Youth, Employment and Developing Rural Areas in relation to the United Nations Decade of Family Farming    Speakers: Alfredo Campos (CNA/ECVC) and Giulia Simula (Urgenci / CSM-IPC Youth working group member)

        You can read the Concept note prepared by the FAO on this topic here:

        English: http://www.fao.org/3/nc486en/nc486en.pdf

    2. Innovation and Digitalisation in Agriculture

    Speakers: Andrea Ferrante (Schola Campesina) and Sofia Monsalve (FIAN)

PLEASE REGISTER TO THE WORKSHOPS by sending an e mail to info@nyeleni-eca.net  and also state the language that you will listen and participate!

Please find the information on the CSO Consultation here: https://www.eurovia.org/cso-consultation-will-be-held-virtually-on-21-23-october-2020/

The call for participation:

EN: https://www.eurovia.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/EN-second-UPDATE-Call-of-interest-to-Civil-Society-Organizations_2020-07-30.pdf

FR: https://www.eurovia.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/FR-Call-of-interest-to-Civil-Society-Organizations_2020.pdf

ES: https://www.eurovia.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ES_Convocatoria-de-expresio%CC%81n-de-intere%CC%81s-a-las-organizaciones-de-la-sociedad-civil.pdf



Due to the pandemic, the 32nd Regional Conference for Europe has been postponed to the second half of 2020. The Civil Society Organisations (CSO) Consultation prior to the 32nd Regional Conference has therefore also been postponed to the 21-23 October 2020 and will be held online.

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