
Special Rapporteur on the Right To Food calls for better consideration of Human Rights in the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition (VGFSyN)

Michael Fakhri, Special Rapporteur on the Right To Food, published a new video on the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition (VGFSyN) highligting the lack of reference to Human Rights in the actual draft. Video of the Special Rapporteur on the Right To Food The negocations are currently ongoing and many governments are continiously […]

Special Rapporteur on the Right To Food calls for better consideration of Human Rights in the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition (VGFSyN) Leggi tutto »

Llamamiento abierto a la participación para responder a la Cumbre sobre Sistemas Alimentarios de las Naciones Unidas

El llamamiento es promovido por los pueblos y organizaciones que participan en el Mecanismo de la Sociedad Civil y los Pueblos Indígenas para las relaciones con el CSA   Queridxs todxs, Las organizaciones de los más afectados por el hambre, la malnutrición y la destrucción ecológica lanzan esta invitación para unir fuerzas y desafiar la Cumbre de

Llamamiento abierto a la participación para responder a la Cumbre sobre Sistemas Alimentarios de las Naciones Unidas Leggi tutto »

Nyeleni newsletter: beyond land – Territory and Food sovereignty

The new edition of the Nyéléni Newsletter is now online!   Land has always been a highly contested good. Control over land and related resources reflect the power relations in a country/region, and are an indicator of existing social injustices. At the same time, these resources are central to the rights, livelihoods and identity of

Nyeleni newsletter: beyond land – Territory and Food sovereignty Leggi tutto »

21-23 Oct. 2020 – Consultazione della società civile (Europa-Asia centrale) X FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC)

The FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC) is to be held on November 2-4. Prior to the ERC, Nyéléni Europe and Central Asia Food Sovereignty Network (Nyéléni ECA) is organizing a consultation for civil society organizations, to be held virtually on October 21-23. All CSO is welcome to participate ! (Contact: The ERC is

21-23 Oct. 2020 – Consultazione della società civile (Europa-Asia centrale) X FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC) Leggi tutto »

Il nostro contributo alla discussione del FSN forum sul COVID-19: sostenere l’agricoltura familiare (in inglese)

Check here the page of the FSN forum discussion “Responding to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on food value chains through efficient logistics” The following contribution will explore two points: 1) the particular resilience of localized food systems -based on family farming- highlighted by the global crisis and; 2) the urgent need to support

Il nostro contributo alla discussione del FSN forum sul COVID-19: sostenere l’agricoltura familiare (in inglese) Leggi tutto »

Those most affected by hunger, malnutrition must shape UN Food Systems Summit With the corporate world increasingly involved in UN decision-making, 550 CSOs, social movements and universities handover a letter to the UN Secretary General today asserting people’s role in the transformation of food systems. Corporations in the global industrial chain are by themselves major drivers of ecological destruction, reduction of biodiversity and increasing hunger and

Those most affected by hunger, malnutrition must shape UN Food Systems Summit Leggi tutto »

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