New paper on Innovation for family farming

(seulement en anglais)

Food sovereignty and Agroecology are the adequate framework to develop innovations for family farming

“The reflection on the term ‘innovation’ is useful in understanding how the term is passed off as good in itself, and how today, its meaning hides a large part of the capitalist system that seeks to transform food production irreversibly from a communal, social, democratic act that is respectful of the natural cycles into a commercial business for a few.”

FAO is organizing an International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers  (2018 November 21-23), it’s a crucial moment to develop a Human-Right based reflection on Innovation and remind that:

  • Knowledge is central for food production
  • Food producers -with their allies–  are the main producers of knowledge and innovations in agriculture
  • Big Data and private control on knowledge is threatening the future of agriculture
  • There is no Right to food without peasant knowledge and capacity to innovate : Food Sovereignty -as a right-based framework- is the paradigm where real innovations for family farming can be developped
  • Agroecology (Nyeleni 2015) -as a people-centered agriculture- recognizes the centrality of peasant knowledge and is therefore the right framework to develop effective innovations for family farming

Read our paper here

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