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« No To Blue Carbon, Yes To Food Sovereignty & Climate Justice » (WFF)

The World Forum of Fish Harvesters & Fish Workers (WFF) draws attention to the dangers of blue carbon initiative for fishing communities. « As the devastating consequences of climate change become ever more disastrous, it is likewise becoming ever more clear that the corporate-dominated UNFCCC-negotiations are not part of the solution but part of the problem.

« No To Blue Carbon, Yes To Food Sovereignty & Climate Justice » (WFF) Lire la suite »

Training for YOUTH on Agroecology & Global governance (it translation) (fr translation)

Schola Campesina -with the financial support of FAO-, is organizing a capacity-development training for 8 young members from small-scale food producers partner organizations on global governance mechanisms of food and agriculture in the frame of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019-2028). The training will be held in a partner farm, in the Lazio

Training for YOUTH on Agroecology & Global governance (it translation) (fr translation) Lire la suite »

Facilitation d’une formation à l’Agroécologie en Pologne

Schola Campesina is supporting the Food Sovereignity movement in Poland (Nyeleni Polska) to organize an innovative training for farmers activists and educators on Agroecology « AGRO-PERMA-LAB ». To be held in the second half of October 2019, the training will be based on knowledge sharing methods (participants are providing knowledge based on their experiences) and dialogue of

Facilitation d’une formation à l’Agroécologie en Pologne Lire la suite »

Atelier sur l’Agroécologie au Kirghizstan

Schola Campesina est au Kirghizstan (2-4 mars 2019) pour la facilitation d’un atelier sur l’Agroécologie à destination des membres du réseau de sauveurs de semences Dyikan Muras, en collaboration avec ADI (Agency of Devlopment Initiatives) Download Aida Jamangulova (Agency of Development Initiatives) wrote: “March 2-5, 2019 Agency for Development Initiatives (ADI) together with Schola Compensina

Atelier sur l’Agroécologie au Kirghizstan Lire la suite »

L’Assemblée générale des Nations unies approuve la Déclaration sur les droits des paysans et autres personnes travaillant dans les zones rurales (20/11/2018)

Nations unies: la Troisième Commission approuve la Déclaration sur les droits des paysans et autres personnes travaillant dans les zones rurales

L’Assemblée générale des Nations unies approuve la Déclaration sur les droits des paysans et autres personnes travaillant dans les zones rurales (20/11/2018) Lire la suite »

Schola Campesina bring the voice of CSO’s in international meetings

At the FAO Expert consultation on knowledge sharing for agricultural innovations applicable for smallholders and family farmers in Europe and Central Asia (10-13 Sept., Hungary). Schola Campesina will also actively participate in the upcoming Civil Society Mechanisms forum (13-14 Oct., FAO HQ, Italy), and in the Committee on World Food Security (15-19 Oct., FAO HQ, Italy).

Schola Campesina bring the voice of CSO’s in international meetings Lire la suite »

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